Saturday, March 3, 2012

Day 1

Day 1

I was at work on Day 1 of the Savoring Glory challenge. It was an incredibly busy day in the emergency room where I work, and to be honest, I saw a lot of unbeautiful things and realized just how important this challenge will be! After all, it’s easy to get a rather warped perspective on the world when you work in a place like that. There really isn’t anybody who drops by the ER to tell you what a great day they’re having!

Nevertheless, I did come across some beautiful things. One occurred in a rather distressing setting. I was caring for a child who needed to have an IV placed, and while the nurses (not me, I was happy to pass off the job for those more experienced!) were trying to place the IV, the little boy was crying at the top of his lungs. His mother and grandmother were helping to hold him down, and as the process continued, the grandmother asked me to take her place at his shoulders. I looked at her face and realized that tears were streaming down her face just as profusely as on the face of the little one. My heart went out to her, and I realized how much it was costing her to do what was best for this beloved little one.

I thought how often the Lord has to subject His child to some difficult thing, sometimes in correction but sometimes just because it will be for the loved one’s ultimate good. We cry out in our pain and think that God is cruel to hold us in the place of anguish, for we cannot fathom how there might be any good associated with this affliction. But I wonder how often, if we could see into heaven, we might realize that the One Who has been touched with the feelings of our infirmities (Hebrews 4:15) is as eager for the pain to be over as much as we are! He would never cause His beloved child to suffer a needless twinge of pain, never mind a great affliction. And yet His love is too strong to shield us from what will ultimately bring blessing.

I thought about this and other glimpses of beauty that I had seen throughout the day, on my drive home. My headlights highlighted the snow, which was falling fast. I love snowstorms, and even when they make my commute a bit slippery, I can’t help but enjoy them. At any rate, I was still pondering which beautiful thing to write about, when I forged up the still unplowed driveway, and saw the most lovely sight of the day. My Dad, bundled up in his fur hat and big coat, was out shoveling a path for me from my parking place to the house. What can I say—I was just so touched! Chivalry is very much alive, and I’ve got to be the most blessed daughter on earth. =)


  1. Good to see you posting again Rachel. I will let Leah know to check your blog.

    "For I reckon that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed in us" Ro 8:18

    Press On!

    Ken Good

  2. Hi Rachel! Daddy just told me you're posting again! Yay!

    I may be competing with you for "most blessed daughter". :)

    It's neat that you're working in the ER. I don't think I could ever do it, but a kind and cheerful nurse can be a huge encouragement in a stressful time. A few years ago when my Grandma was sick, Dad and I stayed at the ER all night with her. One cheerful, personable nurse who seemed to really care was such a blessing to us. I'm sure you have been just such a blessing to many.
