I’m afraid that Day 29’s entry also has to be a bit of an addendum onto Day 28, because after I had already posted the entry for that day, all sorts of beautiful things happened! Far, FAR more beautiful than a flock of birds; in fact, they pretty much took the cake for the whole month I think! The absolute best part was that two elderly men at the assisted living facility which we visit, received the Lord Jesus as their Savior after my mom shared the gospel with them! They went from being “scared to death to die” (their words exactly), to having the assurance of spending eternity with the Lord Jesus!
And although it hardly seems that any day could get any better than that, the Lord also provided some wonderful answers to prayer on Day 28, which are too complicated to explain here, but which really thrilled my heart because of the Lord’s kindness and grace in answering those prayers!
Now Day 29 couldn’t help but be quite wonderful also, following on the tails of 28! Yet it had its own share of beauty too, and yet more evidences of the Lord at work in exciting ways! I wish I could share all the details with you, but perhaps it will be better to write about two little beautiful things which tie into what I am discovering about my wonderful Father in heaven!
One was the gentle, confiding grasp of a wee little girl on my hand, as we made friends. I had never met her before, but she instantly accepted me as her friend, and with a delighted smile, reached for my hand and led me into her house. She was so tiny I could have swung her off the floor with one arm, yet I could not resist that gentle little clasp. And that reminds me of the way that my Father, though infinitely stronger and bigger than I, consents to hear and respond to my prayers. Not only does He consent, but He loves to have me I draw Him into my life and my affairs by that simple, trusting grasp of prayer. What a God Who, in some mysterious way, causes His children to will His will, and then responds by doing the things that we ask in the Name of the Lord Jesus! He could leave us entirely out of the process, and just do whatever it is that He wills. But He chooses rather to act in response to our prayers, allowing us to influence His working out of His will. I know that’s not very clear. I’m still trying to understand it myself.
The other beautiful thing was a very tired little boy, sitting next to his dad at prayer meeting. With a sleepy look on his face, he nestled up under his father’s arm, then he drooped lower against his dad’s side, and finally, utterly worn out by the long, busy day, he just lay down with his head on his father’s knee and fell sound asleep. His dad, with an understanding smile, rested his big, strong hand on the little boy’s back, and made sure that even the fidgety little sister didn’t disturb his rest. And that reminds me of how, when I am too confused, or maybe just too tired, to know what to pray, my Father just makes a place for me to rest against Him, trusting everything entirely to His perfect knowledge and infinite strength.
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